Please call 01200 423267 Monday–Friday 9.30am to 5pm and a member of the team will assist you.

Privacy policy

Vareys is the trading name of Vareys Town and County.

The company’s registered address is 2 Market Place, Clitheroe, BB7 2DB and operates the https://­www.­vareys.­co.­uk website.

Vareys acknowledges that when you shop online you want the trust and confidence that your personal data is safe, and Vareys is committed in maintaining such confidence in all of our visitors. We are not the type of business which rents, trades or sells its subscriber lists and data to other businesses or marketing companies.

To prove that we’re serious about our commitment read on for detailed information on when and why we collect data, how we use it, how it is secured and how you can gain disclosure and control of your personal data held by us.

If we make changes to this policy, we will notify you by updating this statement on our website, look to the bottom of his page for the date on which the policy was last updated.

Information Collected and Its Use

When ordering products from the Vareys website, Vareys will collect your first and last name, delivery address, city, county, postcode, country, email address and phone number. The Vareys website will also collect cookies and usage data with every visit.

This information we obtain is used to ensure that the products your order are delivered to you as requested. We use your email and telephone as a means of communication to update you on the progress of your order. Via email, you will receive order confirmation, dispatch confirmation and tracking details. In the unlikely event that there is an issue with your order you may be contacted by a staff a member of staff via phone or email.

Users who have opted to subscribe to our weekly newsletter will receive marketing communication once a week, but on occasion may receive a second email for news on special events.


The Vareys website uses cookies to collect information on visitors’ browsing and purchase behaviours, which includes pages viewed, products purchased, products added into a basket, and the overall journey a visitor makes on the website.

Cookies are small data files placed on your viewing device or other devices (tablets and smartphones) as you browse a website. Cookies are used by most websites and are paramount to inform the operation of the Vareys website. The data collected informs the daily maintenance of the website including updates to WebPages and product listings as well as technical maintenance to navigation and the checkout process.

Data Security

We keep your personal data within a safe and secure environment; all information is kept secure on encrypted servers and never leaves the environment in any form of transfer.

Data security is also assured with the website’s SSL certificate (secure certificate) which provides you with a secure connection that allows data sent to the site (e.g passwords) to be received privately. Proof of the SSL’s installation can be seen within the address bar, the certificate is renewed periodically to ensure website security.

All payment transactions made with our payment processor (PayPal) are done through PayPal’s own secure encrypted servers, and further security is assured with its SSL approved certificate.

Legal information

All transactions on Vareys’ website form a contract between you (“the Customer”) and “Vareys”.

Vareys takes every care to ensure that information contained on its website is accurate. However, due to the inherent nature of the Internet, errors and omissions can occur. Additionally, interruptions to the service may occur from time to time. This website is therefore provided for your use on these terms and conditions on an “as is” basis. Vareys does not accept any liability of any kind arising from any inaccuracies or omissions of information, or interruptions in service availability during your use of this website.

Content rights of the website

The copyright and all other rights and material contained on Vareys’ website are owned by Vareys exclusively. As a visitor you are entitled to a single download of the material for private viewing purposes only. You are not allowed to distribute for any commercial or business use in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of the brand owner.

Copyright and trademark

The content of these Vareys pages (including pictures, designs, logos, photographs, characters and comments are the copyright trademark or registered trademark of Vareys Town and Country Wear. All rights to these images, products and information are reserved by Vareys. The reproduction, co-distribution, or incorporation into any other work of part or all of the available data in this website in any form is prohibited without the prior written consent of Vareys. Access to copyright and trademark as a user is provided for the sole purpose of placing an order and shopping with Vareys. Notwithstanding the above, you will not be restricted as a Customer from copying, printing or downloading the material for the purpose of sending for your personal information to others for their personal use, provided that, at all times, in distributing the information, you acknowledge the source of the material, namely Vareys.

Consent to use of the website

In using Vareys’ website you acknowledge by that use that you accept the terms and conditions of the various trading policies of Vareys contained in these Terms and Conditions, Privacy & Terms and other information published and available on this Web site. In addition, you are consenting to the collation of the data that you freely give and the data’s storage in line with our privacy policy. Vareys complies with the standard procedures and requirements of data storage as laid down in the United Kingdom Data Protection Act for personal information and keeps all data in a secure way that is processed lawfully.


The control and management of the Vareys website are exercised by the brand owner, Kevin Horkin. The use of the website is governed by the Laws of England and Wales. Use of the website acknowledges that you will be bound by the Laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising between Vareys and you the Customer from the use of its website or the purchase of goods from Vareys.

Limitation of liability

In no event will Vareys be liable to any party for any indirect or incidental, special or punitive damages resulting from or incurred in the use of this site or any linked site without limitation in any form. The limitation to liability will include any alleged loss of profit or loss of revenues, cost of replacement, business interruptions, and loss of data or damages resulting from use or reliance on any information of any kind present and contained within Vareys’ website.